What to expect
When you arrive
We are pleased to have you as a guest at GraceHill and welcome you to spend the morning with our GraceHill family.
Coffee and tea are available before the service starts. This is a good time to get directions to children’s classes as well as practical places like the baby changing area and toilets. Children are also always welcome in the main service. Coffee and conversation is always offered after the service for you to have a chance to meet the GraceHill family. We look forward to the opportunity to get to know you better and answer any questions you might have.
Children are part of GraceHill
At GraceHill we are a family and that includes the children in every part of what we do. Children are most welcome to stay in the service for its entirety if they wish to be with you. Children of any age are not a distraction in the service. Babies crawling down the aisle are a common sight at GraceHill.
Our Worship in the service
The worship team is on the stage at the front of the auditorium, but they are not the focus of attention. Psalm 33:3 says, “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” Expect all of that during worship. Music at GraceHill is generally contemporary. There is a worship team playing various instruments and leading the singing, and may be two or three people and sometimes six or seven people. We believe that there is grace for every kind of worshiper.
Maybe you prefer to sit, others may be sitting during worship, too. Maybe you feel free to dance or raise your hands, there are likely to be other people doing those things as well. Maybe you’d rather stand still, so would some of the people you will see around you. Whatever attitude of worship you choose, there’s room for you here. Occasionally, the Holy Spirit leads someone to share a scripture or other word from God during worship; you may notice that they first speak about this to the elder in charge of the service, who is usually in the front row next to the aisle. There may be some moments of loud worship, and some quiet moments. Sometimes, worshipers might shout or cry when they sense God’s presence. Since worship at GraceHill is all about God, these kinds of gracious responses to Him are not considered an interruption.
You may hear some testimonies
God is generous and good, and at GraceHill we like to talk about it. We believe that telling about physical or spiritual healing, financial blessings, jobs found or improved, and other answers to prayer are an opportunity for every person that hears to say, “Yes and Amen” While the people sharing stories about God’s faithfulness have been asked to speak, they are not professional speakers. They are ordinary people talking about our extraordinary God.
You will hear us praying
We pray a lot throughout the Sunday morning service. We pray during worship. We pray to invite the Holy Spirit to join us and enjoy us. We pray for missionaries being sent out. We pray to give thanks for God’s generosity and kindness to us. The list goes on. We also offer prayer for specific needs and individuals at the end of the service. The prayer team is available at the front of the auditorium at the end of the service and would be honored to pray with you.
We will do a morning offering
At every service we come to bring our tithes and offerings and the offering is the opportunity for church members to give. We do not expect you to do this as our morning offering is for those who consider GraceHill as their home and local church where they fellowship together with like minded people. You are our guest and please feel free to enjoy the service with us without any compulsion with regards to giving.
We will preach the Word of God
The Bible is God’s word, and every message or sermon at GraceHill is based in its truth. We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority on the Christian life and faith. In the children’s classrooms and the main auditorium, you can expect the messages you hear to be clear, relevant, and scripturally accurate. You can also expect messages at GraceHill to be interesting and engaging. Nothing about God is boring, and His word is good news.