How do I do this daily thing

If you’ve never or seldom committed yourself to reading the Bible and praying each day, it can seem difficult as first. But let me encourage you and assure you that you can do it, but not as an item to check off as “done” or something to gain favour with God over. No, reading the Bible and praying each day will bring you into a deeper relationship with the Lord and give you spiritual blessings you never thought would be possible.

At GraceHill, we send out an audio daily devotional each day, Monday to Friday. This devotional is based on the previous Sunday sermon and it’s intention is to keep us focused on what God was saying to us through the message brought on the Sunday. However, I have always said that the daily devotional is just the start, kind of a warm up to our time with the Lord each day.

I am asking you to join us in the journey we have embarked on as a church, to read through the Gospels, one chapter at a time, in addition to listening to the audio devotional each day.

My advice is to keep it simple. 

Firstly, pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee and sit down in a comfy chair.
Next, listen to the audio devotional and if there’s something God is speaking to you about through the devotional, write it down and pray about it.

Once you’ve done that, open up your Bible and read the applicable Gospel chapter for that day. Just read it, don’t try and seek out the meaning of everything in that chapter, but simply write down 2 things from what you read :

1. What is God saying to me through what I read this morning? (hint – it might not be anything, so don’t stress it.)
2. What did I learn about Jesus from this chapter and is anything applicable to me becoming more like Him.

Once you have listened to the audio devotional, read the Gospel chapter for the day and written a few things down, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in prayer. It might be related to what you heard in the morning devotional, what you read or something the Holy Spirit has brought to your attention.

I encourage you to pray in three areas :

1. For the church, GraceHill.
2. For other people.
3. For yourself.

After your time of prayer, what about pouring that next cup of tea or coffee and dip an Ouma rusk.

Bless you as you venture on this journey with us.
